Here’s a few more pics and a short explanation of how our new set works.
The whole set is modular with smaller components such as furniture simply slotting together and the larger pieces clipping together to make the walls. Basically you have flat pieces that come straight out of the box combining to make three dimensional objects with no glueing or painting.
We’ve designed it to be as flexible as possible, you can make any sized room you want or make narrow corridors for nasty skirmishes with any arrangement of room furniture to make obstacles and cover, great for both campaigns and one off fights.
So how does the modular system work? You start with a basic wall unit of which there are a few different types. Two or more wall units are placed next to each other and clipped together to form a longer wall. All of the clips are designed to look like part of the component or to be an active part, there’s no unsightly spare bits here.
The walls can be stacked on top of each other and in theory, there’s no upper limit to how many levels you can make (depends on how many sets you have). The ‘ramp’ of one side of a wall can be replaced with a fascia to make a flat sided wall.
And that’s it. You build it, put it together then throw it in a box when you’re done. More pics coming in the next blog, roughly two weeks from now. The figures were supplied by Mantic Games and painted by Rich at Sabre Minatures.
A quick FAQ on the two most common questions we get asked:
1. When will the Kickstarter start?
2. How much will it cost?
2. How much will it cost?
Both depend on the manufacture and we are still in talks. We want to make the new line as affordable as possible but we won’t give a figure in case we can’t meet that. As for the Kickstarter startup spring-summer is all we can say for now.
March 17, 2013 at 9:17 pm
Hey all thanks for the feedback,
It’s great to hear your views especially if it’s recommendations. We keep a note about all suggestions and what people like. No need to say sorry Andrea :o)
As for the colour of the core of the card, check out Facebook and you will see an example of a lined edged room item. Let me know what you think. Plastic card would be expensive. In fact card is expensive (massively) so one of our focus points is finding the right manufacture to get this at the right cost to launch this product line. Not the most fun part of the job, I prefer the designing and drawing, but very important. All part of the fun. lol
Thanks again and don’t forget to tell the world abut us.
March 17, 2013 at 6:10 pm
I’d love an urban style too! (the more 40K-esque the better!)
I agree with the idea proposed in an another post, I’d be glad too to spend something more to have plasticard as a support, rather than card
One last thing: would it be possible to print on a darker support, to avoid the white side of walls, catwalks, etc… standing out so much? (I mean where the cuts have been made)
I don’t want to criticise, the opposite I like this project so much that I felt the urge to say my opinion!
Sorry for the bad english,
March 9, 2013 at 10:39 pm
Actually after reading your post again I can see being able to create streets and buildings with whatcha got. Awesome. Hope to see more pics soon
March 9, 2013 at 10:36 pm
Loving the idea. Hope there will be more variety than the internal space ship vibe. Which is cool and I will pick up but I’m also hoping that streets and buildings will be possible too. Which would be more generic and easier to add to folks scenery collections.
Definitely squirrelling some money away for this
John Cunningham
March 8, 2013 at 6:52 pm
I am following your project with great interest! This looks perfect for me, I hope it goes forward!