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Urban Apocalypse now in webshop :)

10th September 2016

Hi, guys, we’re very pleased to announce that our Urban Apocalypse Terrain is now available directly from our webshop: http://shop.battlesystems.co.uk/urban-apocalypse-terrain-8-c.asp


The Martians want in on the fun 🙂

Whether you missed the Kickstarter completely or just want to top up on the add-ons you tearfully let slip through your fingers you can now jump straight in and fill your boots. Unlike the recent feeding frenzy that was the Sci-fi restock there are plenty of goodies to go around, please don’t break our server 😉

Also check out the game mats: http://shop.battlesystems.co.uk/game-mats-9-c.asp , all the urban mats are there including a new, shiny sci-fi mat.


Shiny 🙂

Finally, we’ve been beavering away, preparing for our Sci-fi II Kickstarter. Col just showed me some cool items that go in the base set and it’s looking very promising indeed. Here’s a cool pic to tide you over 🙂


Do you want this big command screen? Yes, you do 🙂


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