
Core Space Wanted: Dead or Alive


This expansion adds Bounty Hunters to the game along with a range of playable auxiliary companions.

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Product Code: BSGCSE019 Category:

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Product Contents

2 Bounty Hunter Miniatures
5 Auxiliary Miniatures
7 Character Boards
2 Class Boards
1 Entry Point Marker
6 Mark Counters
22 Stun/Fire/Poison Counters
40 Equipment Tokens
5 Event Cards
Mission Briefing & Rules Booklet

Product Overview

Lurking in the grey area between good and evil are the Bounty Hunters, powerful new NPCs tasked with hunting people, for a price! If your name is on their list you’d better beware, or at least have the cash to pay them off! This expansion adds these new characters to the game along with a range of auxiliary companions. They’re not just NPCs either – they are all fully playable as a part of your crew!

The new narrative campaign will see you trying to stay alive while there’s a bounty on your head, and new Event Cards, character boards and equipment will integrate these characters into the game.

Requires the Core Space Starter Set to play.

Get the full picture by reading this blog post about the expansion: Track Down Your Target With Wanted: Dead Or Alive

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One of my favorite expansions for Core Space, Bounty Hunters, trying to get your head while you try to complete your objective and made it out alive. The new AUX units are incredible useful

A beautiful set of miniatures and a new adversary. I have yet to be hunted by the bounty hunters because as soon as I painted the figures I knew that Nokura was going to be my next Captain. The auxiliaries are a great addition to your crew as well. I can't wait to see all that this expansion has to offer.

Adds a new element to the game with bounty hunters, and a new mini campaign! Highly recommended.

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