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Crafting in Maladum

20th December 2024

Crafting in Maladum
Crafting in Maladum

Prefer reading over watching? Here’s the transcript of our Crafting in Maladum video.
We know not everyone has time to watch videos, so we’ve transcribed Crafting in Maladum with a couple extra bits of information that translate better in writing for you. Whether you’re catching up or revisiting, enjoy the content at your own pace, right here.

Today we’re going to be going through the crafting elements of Maladum that is introduced through the expansion Of Ale and Adventure. The expansion includes all the tokens that you need to craft items, as well as some new character classes that have related skill sets to aid your party with crafting new items such as the Blacksmith.

In order to craft items, you need to gather resources that match the crafting requirements of that particular item. The recipe of a craftable item can be found on the reverse of the item, in place of the buy cost.

These resources can be found either by gathering them in the dungeons themselves, or in cases where tokens have a purchase value against them, they can be bought directly from the Artisans Guild.

For our first example lets start with something powerful: a Great Axe for Hendley.

Crafting Requirements:
2x Steel
1x Wood
1x Textile
1x Riches
14 Guilders

While exploring the dungeon, our party found:

  • Broken Weaponry (counts as 2 Steel)
  • Decadent Finery (counts as 1 Riches and 1 Textile)
  • Wood (counts as 1 wood)

With all the resources gathered, we paid 14 Guilders to the merchant, discarded the tokens, and Hendley successfully crafted his Greataxe.

What if we were missing some resources?

If we hadn’t found the Wood token in the dungeon, we could have purchased it from the Artisans Guild for a small fee, increasing the total crafting cost to 18 Guilders and still discarding all of the resource tokens after use.

Why Craft Instead of Buy?

While crafting the Great Axe only costs 14 Guilders (with resources), buying a similar weapon outright would cost 31 Guilders and require a Level 4 Adventurer to have access to it through a merchant. Crafting saves money and gives lower-level parties access to powerful gear much earlier. There are also plenty of items that can only be accessed by crafting.

Makeshift Wings for Greet

Perfect for turning her into a goblin doom diver!

Crafting Requirements:
2x Textile
1x Wood
1x Alary Carapace
8 Guilders

From our dungeon crawl, we gathered:

  • Alary Carapace
  • Broken Weaponry (providing 1 Wood and 1 Steel, though the steel is not needed for this item)
  • Textile Resources

Once again, we will pay the crafting cost of 8 Guilders and discard the used up resources. Any leftover materials, like the extra Steel from the broken weaponry, are also wasted in the crafting process.

Greet’s new Makeshift Wings are ready to take her (quite literally) to new heights!

Crafting a Relic: The Sword of TEPHYSUS

Crafting isn’t just for basic weapons or tools. The expansion also introduces relics – powerful items lost to time that can be rebuilt.

For example, the Sword of Tephysus requires:
1x Hilt of Tephysus (a resource unique to this relic, only found via a specific quest)
1x Steel
2x Keltic Steel
1x Riches
1x Drakon Bone
28 Guilders (with a purchased resource)

Gathering Resources

We acquired the Hilt of Tephysus through a recent side quest, prompting our search for the remaining resources to create this powerful weapon.

During our latest dungeon crawl, we gathered:

  • Ruptured Pauldrons (Riches, Keltic Steel and Steel)
  • Powdered Drakon Bone

However, we were missing the crucial second Keltic Steel. To complete the craft, we purchased a Celtic Steel Ingot from the Artisans Guild, bumping the crafting cost to 41 Guilders.

With everything combined, the legendary Sword of Tephysus is finally restored!

Using Resources In The Dungeon

Some resources can be used in their raw form immediately after gathering. Some resources offer a bolstering effect, others offer an advantage in combat.

Using Resources

These plants have medicinal properties and can be used for potions and other remedies. When used they restore health pegs based on the number within the icon.

Powdered Drakon Bone:
This can be taken in its raw form for a rush of adrenaline, or combined into tonics to enhance its effects. When used they grant additional actions.

Ubiquitous in the damp surroundings of a
dungeon, certain types of fungus can also be medicinal,
albeit hallucinogenic, and are known to affect a person’s
Maladum. When used they restore magic pegs.

These can be extracted from the ground
itself, and are often used as a supplement to sharpen the mind and improve the body. They are a common ingredient in herbal potions. When used in their raw form they restore skill pegs.

Issen Oil:
Extracted from the Maladum-rich bed of the river Issen, this is a highly flammable substance used to harness the power of fire into weaponry or create potent explosives.
In its raw form it can be thrown as an effortless action to cause fire damage.

So whether you’re using resources in their raw form or carrying things back to town to craft powerful equipment and items, new and seasoned adventurers can benefit greatly from the new crafting elements from the expansion Of Ale and Adventure. What will you and your party craft first?

Until next time, happy gaming!

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