We’re now on Day twelve of our thirty day Sci-fi II Kickstarter campaign and we’re already up to our eighteenth Stretch Goal, fifteen of which are free to our backers!
We’ve also unlocked more add-ons including the colossal ARRIVAL BAY and the terrain expanding OUTPOSTS!
The Arrival Bay is a huge docking/cargo/landing bay that can be as large or small as you like.
Check out our Kickstarter update for more pics and details.
The Outposts are a set of three add-ons designed specifically as stand alone buildings. They come in small, medium and large and are completely modular.
Here’s a short vid of Delta Garrison, the largest of the Outpost add-ons:
For more details go to this Kickstarter update.
Now, about those free stretch goals. Behold, the orange banner of FREE stuff!
Come join the Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1621774283/battle-systemstm-sci-fi-ii-terrain
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