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New terrain peeks and Terminator Genisys

22nd April 2015

This is the Battle Systems blog, hello. A lot’s been happening here at BS Towers, some of which I shall cram into your eyeballs right now.

After many subtle hints (and some blatant ones) we are now excited to announce our latest terrain. The time for guessing is over as we now unveil our BATTLE SYSTEMS POST APOCALYPSE TERRAIN!

Ideal for for both zombie apocalypses and modern warfare this terrain will be both internal and external. It’ll work for many games systems that need that rougher look. Think urban decay and you won’t be far off.

We are planning the Kickstarter campaign for Autumn 2015, after we’ve delivered the bulk of the Fantasy Dungeon Terrain to our backers (due July 2015). Much more information to come as we get closer to the KS. In the meantime here’s a couple of pics of the prototype to keep you going 🙂


Mr. Zombie models the latest in internal scenery. Look! No ramps!


Just nipping out for a Croak-a-cola 🙂

Terminator Genisys

A few of you might have heard of an obscure franchise called The Terminator. I vaguely remember it from the 80’s, apparently it was a big deal 🙂 Well, we were approached by the nice chaps at River Horse to design their card terrain for their upcoming Terminator Genisys Miniatures game. Distributed by Warlord Games this little known franchise will get some much needed exposure 😉


The card barricades were designed by Colin’s fair hand.


The barricades can also be stacked on top of each other.

Here’s the official Facebook page for more info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1768932519997968/

Shop.Battle Systems

Since the webshop opened our surplus Sci-fi terrain has been greedily snatched up and most of the add-ons are now out of stock. We plan to do a restock in Autumn/Winter 2015. Goto http://shop.battlesystems.co.uk to snoop through the smoldering remains of the carnage 🙂


If you can’t wait for the restocking we will be at Salute on the 25th April 2015 flogging stuff out of the back of a van. You can pick up some rare items and avoid shipping charges by grabbing a fistful of Sci-fi add-ons and a Stronghold or two. We’ll also be showing off some of the Post Apocalypse terrain (table space allowing) so come on over for a bit of an old chat.

Fantasy Dungeon Terrain

The Fantasy Dungeon is poised to roll into production as you read this. Our hard working minions are preparing to hand weave the magic into shape ready for our backers. You can read up on our progress on our Fantasy Dungeon updates.

Remember, you don’t need to be a Kickstarter backer to read our updates nor use Facebook to read our Facebook page, both are open to everyone.


If you want to stay up to date with our latest developments just click here to subscribe to our newsletter or email us at info@battlesystems.co.uk and type ‘news’ into the subject line.