50 people were kind enough to fill out our survey from last week and here are the results.
1. Are you male or female?
Male 94.0% (47)
Female 6.0% (3)
No real surprises there. The female participants were the first to fill out our survey.
2. What is your age range?
15 or under 0.0% (0)
16 to 30 18.0% (9)
31 to 50 70.0% (35)
50 or over 12.0% (6)
Most of you are fully grown men who like to play with 1″ figures. Always nice to know we’re not alone 🙂
3. Where do you live?
In the UK 47.9% (23)
In Europe, outside the UK 10.4% (5)
In Asia 0.0% (0)
In Australia 6.3% (3)
In North America 35.4% (17)
Skipped question: 2
Other countries included New Zealand and Argentina.
4. In the gaming world, what do you consider yourself to be?
A model maker 44.0% (22)
A gamer 66.0% (33)
A developer 12.0% (6)
A hobbyist 78.0% (39)
A professional 8.0% (4)
Prefer not to say 2.0% (1)
5. If we expanded our range what would you like to see?
SF exteriors 78.0% (39)
Space ship interiors 86.0% (43)
Fantasy 30.0% (15)
Gothic 30.0% (15)
Steampunk 48.0% (24)
Art deco 28.0% (14)
More downloadable content 32.0% (16)
Physical products 38.0% (19)
More sci-fi space-shippy stuff is what you want. You also have a healthy interest in other genres with suggestions that included horror, fantasy, western, alternative skins for the pods and 15mm scenery.
6. What games system are you planning on using with our current product line?
Warhammer 40K 62.5% (25)
Infinity 35.0% (14)
Mercs 12.5% (5)
War Path 20.0% (8)
Star Wars minis 25.0% (10)
The majority of you want to use our pods for future war systems such as Firefight 2.0, Frag, Star Grunt, Kryomek, Tomorrow’s war, Dark Heresey, Sedition Wars, Warmachine, Dark Potential, Necromunda and Traveller as well as the usual suspects, Warhammer 40K, Infinity, Mercs, War Path and Star Wars. You also intend to use our pods for some completely different games systems including 7TV, Empire of the Dead, Dungeons and Dragons, Flying Lead, Vortex and Warhammer Fantasy as well as your own home made systems.
7. And finally – where did you hear about us?
Beasts of War 28.6% (12)
Tabletop Gaming News 19.0% (8)
Other gaming forum 14.3% (6)
Internet search 28.6% (12)
Word of mouth 9.5% (4)
Skipped question: 8
The forums and the internet were where most of you found us but plenty of people met us in person at the Derby World Wargames. Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo Groups dragged in a few more punters.
Thanks to all who filled out our survey, this has given us plenty to think about 🙂
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