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Core Space – only 24 hours to go!

16th December 2017

We’ve less than 24 hours to go so if you’re going to jump in to our Core Space Kickstarter campaign now would be a good time 🙂

We’ve just unveiled the Shuttle, handy for those short hops to and from your spaceship. At £8 a pop you’d be remiss to skip these!


Shuttle, for all your shuttling needs.

Also amazing value is the Miniature Mega Deal, 12 minis and a load of other stuff for £35!


Lots for not a lot 🙂

We’ve also unlocked a tonne of FREE goodies, check out the banner below:


The Mighty Orange Banner of FREE Stuff 🙂

And not forgetting the bonus minis:




We’ve also just unveiled more Purge super beasties, the Gatherers and the Annihilator! The Gatherers are working Purge with a nasty streak and the Annihilator is an oversized killing machine that its better to run from than fight! Both need to be unlocked in the last 24 hours!


We are here to kick your bottom.

Overall the Kickstarter is a cracking deal, don’t wait until retail! Core Space is live on Kickstarter NOW!


We have an entry on Board Game Geek if you want to check it out 🙂

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