It’s been hectic here at Battle Systems, we got our funding in a ludicrous 4 hours and are now at over 358% with 25 days to go!
It’s been tough, keeping up with the comments/demands, updating the site, juggling work and family, floods of emails crashing our devices etc. (collapses on desk, snores). Also, first day in I was out cold with food poisoning so Colin had to run the show by himself !
We take turns looking after things but we have to sleep sometimes and our stalwart supporters have jumped in and answered any questions. Cheers, guys!
We’ve also been getting lots of advice on what everyone wants (it is a serious wish list!) and ploughing through what we think can work.
Here is a wish list compiled by a couple of ardent fans. We don’t take responsibility for the list but we will keep an eye on it:—fanpage.html
We have several stretch goals lined up and may have a few tie-ins up our sleeves but early days yet. Feel free to jump in and give your two pennies worth on the comments page of our Kickstarter.
If you’ve not pledged yet take a mosey on over and check our pledge levels, our stretch goals and our add-ons, we don’t think you’ll be disappointed 🙂
If you want to stay up to date with our latest developments just click here to subscribe to our newsletter or email us at and type ‘news’ into the subject line.
November 6, 2013 at 6:48 pm
It looks great, but it looks fresh new. like it was just build. give it a live effects or some sort like
currently its only damaged clone chamber
my examples
Wirings in the wall texture,-Open panels, tools on the ground,
Damaged or breached walls,(Bullet holes, laser scorches, plasma burned holes)
damaged or burned blast doors.
Rusted floor.
Red alert on consoles.
Alarm lamps
damaged cargo blocks
Weapon racks or ammo crates
radiation pools, oil or fuel marks on floor tiles
Russ Feakins
November 6, 2013 at 6:14 pm
Yeah, I’d like bigger/double sized doors, and maybe the entrance to a down shaft for level changes!, please!,
November 6, 2013 at 5:05 pm
There are lots of items on that list you can get elsewhere that look better in resin or other materials. Stick with the structural stuff. More gantries and railings to go up would be great. Ladders. Elevators. Double high walls would be sweet.